Custom Facial Implants - William J. Binder M.D., F.A.C.S.
Feel Beautiful Inside and Out

Over 40 Good Health and Great Looks

Bazaar - August

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From the laboratory to the salon, scientific and cosmetic developments in over-40 treatments can help you look and feel younger, longer. You may never see 20 again, but the newest advances in cosmetic medical technology ensure that you can stay younger longer, without the expense, physical trauma and recovery time you might expect.

"There's a common misconception that a face lift is the surgical panacea for all aspects of the aging face, but for many women in their 40s, it won't deliver the benefits they're looking for," says Dr. William J. Binder.

Dr. Binder is a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon on the clinical staff at UCLA School of Medicine and an attending physician at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. "Even the term 'face lift' is something of a misnomer," he continues, "because very little work is done on the face itself." The surgeon actually does most of the work below the jaw, tightening muscles and skin on the neck and jowls. "So unless these are your areas of concern, choose another option," he advises.


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William J. Binder M.D., F.A.C.S.  |  120 S. Spalding Drive, Suite 340, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

(310) 858 - 6749